PSHE is a curriculum subject focusing on personal, social, health, and economic education.
Miss Atkinson is the school's PSHE Subject Leader
At Rufford Park Primary School, we want children to develop the knowledge and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. We believe that PSHE education helps pupils to manage many challenges and responsibilities they will face whilst growing up. We aim to equip all our children with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, and responsible members of society.
At our school, children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities across and beyond the school curriculum, such as sports clubs, school council and fundraising activities. In doing so, they begin to understand their place in school and the wider community and recognise the impact of their actions on the world.
Our PSHE curriculum reflects our whole-school ethos of all children being happy, having a voice and being an active citizen.
We aim for our children to :
- realise their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of the community
- lead a healthy lifestyle; understanding the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, getting enough sleep and maintaining good hygiene
- understand that having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body
- be respectful of other people's opinions and differences
- know what a healthy relationship looks like and effectively manage their relationships by resolving conflicts and understanding how to be a good friend
- know who they can turn to if they are feeling worried or need help
As a school we use the SCARF education scheme of work to teach weekly PSHE lessons. PSHE, which includes Relationships and Health Education, is taught from Nursery to Year 6. We also teach Sex Education in Year 6.
Our PSHE curriculum is divided into the following half-termly topics:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Differences
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being My Best
- Growing and Changing
These topics are covered in every year group, allowing skills and knowledge to be built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.
Our PSHE curriculum is structured over a two-year rolling programme. Our PSHE curriculum map (long-term plan) can be found below. The academic year 2023-2024 is Year B. Please note that the PSHE curriculum EYFS is identical for Years A & B, due to reception not being a mixed class, and the entire reception cohort moving from reception into year 1 every year.
As well as PSHE being taught through weekly lessons in class, our PSHE subject content is taught through a range of different means, including:
- key stage assemblies
- celebration themed days/weeks, including Anti-Bullying Week
- school council meetings
These additional learning opportunities reinforce teachings from the weekly PSHE lessons and allow children to deepen their understanding and make connections with prior learning.
We introduced 'MindMate' lessons in September 2023, following a trial in June 2023. MindMate is a service and scheme of work designed to help give children the tools to talk about and manage their mental health. From Year 1, the first PSHE lesson for each half term is a 'MindMate' lesson.
The theme of each MindMate half term can be found below:
- Feeling Good and Being Me
- Family and Friends
- Life Changes
- Strong Emotions
- Being the Same and Being Different
- Solving Problems and Making it Better
The impact of our PSHE curriculum is that pupils feel safe and happy at school. The values taught through PSHE have helped to create an inclusive school environment where pupils respect each other and understand the impact of their actions. Pupils feel that they have a voice and know where they can go if they feel unsafe, worried or need to talk to an adult.
In July 2023 Miss Atkinson met with children across school to hear their views on PSHE. Some of the comments can be found below:
"If I am being bullied I will tell a teacher or write in the worry box."
"I like learning new things in PSHE."
"I agree that other pupils listen to my ideas, views and opinions in PSHE lessons."
Our PSHE curriculum maps and PSHE policies can be found below.
PSHE Progression Maps
The 2024-25 academic year is Year A.
Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education
The Department for Education (DfE) has made Relationship Education compulsory in all primary schools in England and Relationships Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools, as well as making Health Education compulsory in all state-funded schools. This is to help create a safe school community in which pupils can grow, learn and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life. We take our statutory responsibilities seriously and aim to provide relevant, effective, and responsible Relationships Education and RSE to all its pupils.
In Summer 2021, we updated our PSHE curriculum and Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy. We consulted with parents on this policy - your feedback was important to the process and part of the school's statutory duties.
The following documents remain on this webpage for your reference:
our OMG (one minute guide) an overview of the policy
In 2020-21 we adapted the curriculum due to the pandemic. To ensure statutory elements of the curriculum were taught, catch-up lessons followed this growing and changing unit of work.
Thank you to everyone who filled in our survey and gave feedback on our policy and proposed curriculum. Please see below for the information that was gathered from the survey, the following consultation meeting and the child consultation that was carried out in class.
Parent and child responses to consultation
Relationships and Relationships Sex Education PowerPoint
Agreed vocabulary for RSE teaching