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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing

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  3. Art


ALPT Art Exhibition 2024

This year’s theme for the Aire borough Art exhibition is marine conservation.

Children throughout school have contributed work to the exhibition. As a school we decided to celebrate the beauty and drama of oceans and feel our art work reflects this.

The work we have exhibited includes work from: 


Nursery used different mark making techniques and cut shapes to create sea creature silhouettes.

Reception looked at Hokusai’s The Great Wave for inspiration and then used different paint techniques to re-create their own dramatic versions.

KS1 children created a collaborative piece in the form of a beautiful woven wall hanging. It incorporates sea creatures which the children have printed using polystyrene tiles.

LKS2 also worked collaboratively to create different beach and sea scenes. They have used digital art and created a variety of collages.

UKS2 have drawn detailed line drawings of fish to create a shoal of fish swimming through the waves.

We are immensely proud of our beautiful display!


At Rufford Park Primary School, we believe learning through and about the arts enriches the experience of studying while at school as well as preparing students for life after school. We offer opportunities for children to develop their self-expression and creativity which can in turn build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. Creativity can also help with wellbeing and improving health and happiness. We believe studying arts subjects also helps to develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us including developing cultural capital. 


We aim to:

  • Ensure all pupils produce creative, imaginative work and have covered the skills required to meet the aims of the national curriculum. We ensure children have the opportunity to explore their ideas and record their experiences, as well as exploring the work of others and evaluate different creative ideas.
  • Provide children with the opportunity to become confident and proficient in a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, as well as other selected craft skills, e.g. collage, printing, weaving and patterns. Children will also develop their knowledge of famous artists, designers and craft makers.
  • Develop children's interest and curiosity about art and design through lessons offering skills progression, knowledge progression and the opportunities to ask questions and demonstrate their skills in a variety of ways. Art lessons will offer the chance for children to develop their emotional expression through art to further enhance their personal, social and emotional development.


At the end of each unit, teacher assessment will be completed to ensure progression of skills and knowledge have been appropriately covered and that outcomes have been met. Each phase focuses on different themes which link to topics where possible to ensure continued interest in the subject as well as acquiring new knowledge. Lessons develop pupils' techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Children should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Each year, we engage with a local art exhibition which enables children to go and visit their artwork on display and evaluate the work of others. 


Art and design learning is loved by teachers and pupils across school. Artwork is of a high quality and children are proud of what they produce. Children use technical vocabulary accurately and pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes covered. Children improve their enquiry skills and inquisitiveness about the world around them, and their impact through art and design on the world. Children are more confident in analysing their work and giving their opinion on their own and other works of art. Children show competences in improving their resilience and perseverance by continually evaluating and improving their work. Children in school can speak confidently about their art and design work and their skills. 

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 Y5 6 Ash Art Portfolio.pptxDownload
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Progression Maps

 Art DT LTP Whole School Overview Oct 22.pdfDownload
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 Rufford Park Primary School Art and Design Progression Map .pdfDownload
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 Art policy
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ALPT Art Exhibition 2023

This year’s theme is celebration.

Each phase interpreted this theme in a unique way.

In Early years, the children celebrated the natural world and made ‘nature crowns’ using ‘found’ materials such as sticks, petals and leaves. They attached them to a crown using a glue, tape, staples and split pins.

KS1 made felt bunting, cutting shapes and sewing and glueing decorations to the bunting.

LKS2 made carnival masks, decorating them with a variety of materials.

UKS2 celebrated the beauty of birds by drawing and painting a variety of birds.

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