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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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  4. Royal Academy of Arts - Young Artists' Summer Show

Royal Academy of Arts - Young Artists' Summer Show

At Rufford Park we have signed up to a very exciting online art exhibition this year run by the Royal Academy of Arts and we would like as many of you as possible to get involved and submit your work! You have until 26 April 2021 to submit your entries. Read on to find out more... 

About the project

Artists are at the heart of everything we do at the Royal Academy of Arts – we’ve been championing them since 1768 and firmly believe in nurturing young talent and celebrating the next generation of artists.

Taking inspiration from the annual Summer Exhibition, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is an opportunity for young artists aged 5 - 19 years to exhibit their work online and on-site at the Royal Academy.

The project is generously supported by Robin Hambro, a passionate advocate for the importance of access to art, and the benefits of encouraging the arts, for children and young people.


How does it work?

To take part, students must send their teachers their artwork and then the teachers will submit the work online. These artworks are then judged by a panel of artists and arts professionals with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts.


Each student can submit up to three artworks of any type and there is no theme. You will need to send images (maximum 3 per piece) of your artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and a little text about the artwork and why you made it to your teacher. You can download a submission form below. You will also need to get your parent/carer to fill in a permission form and return this to your teacher too, otherwise your work can not be submitted. Your artwork will be seen by a panel of judges and the selected pieces will be shown in an online exhibition. Some of the artworks will also be shown at the Royal Academy of Arts.


What kind of artworks do you accept?

The artwork can be made using any medium (a word for the materials you’ve used to create your piece). It can be a painting, sculpture, photograph, installation, video, drawing, or a combination. There is no theme so artworks can be of any subject and we don’t mind when you made the artwork as long as you are between 5-19 when you submit it.


How does the judging work?

All of the artworks are viewed and judged by a panel of artists and art professionals. There are two sets of judges, one for artworks made by primary students and one for secondary. When the judges make their selections, they choose which artworks will be shown online and which will be shown at the Royal Academy. Everyone who submits artworks will hear from us by the end of May.



Prizes are awarded each year for two inspiring artworks from each key stage, as chosen by the President of the Royal Academy, and you can also vote for your favourite artwork in our annual People’s Choice Award. Take a look at the 2020 prize winning artworks.

Linked documents

Below are all the documents you need to submit a piece of work. Please do not send any pictures of your artwork to your teachers without also completing a permission AND submission form. Your work cannot be submitted without these documents. There is also some guidance about how to photograph your work. 

RA Young Artists' Summer Show Terms & Conditions

RA Young Artists' Summer Show Permission Form

Ra Young Artists' Summer Show Submission Form (1 per piece) 

How to photograph your work