Ash Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 7.1.22
Posted: Jan 7, 2022 by: Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
Hello and welcome back!
It has been so lovely to see all the members of Ash in school again this week. We hope you all had a relaxing break.
Everyone has worked hard this week and made a great start to the new term!
We have started learning about our new topic "Mountains and Rivers" and have been completing some writing activities in English linked to this.
In maths, Miss Bairstow's group have been practising the column method of short multiplication and will be moving on to long multiplication next week. This unit of work heavily relies on children having secure recall of all their times table facts to 12 in order to be working at age related expectations. At Rufford Park and nationally, the expectation is that children have this understanding by the end of Year 4. Please practise times tables regularly at home if this is something your child is not yet confident with to ensure they make maximum progress in school.
Mrs Trotter's group have been learning about decimals up to 3 decimal places.
Please remember Y5/6 football and netball club both resume next week.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Bairstow