Beech Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 11.6.21
Posted: Jun 11, 2021 by: Mrs. Cahill (n.cahill) on: Beech Tree Class Blog 2020-21
Hello everyone,
The children have settled back into school life well following the half-term break. Our assemblies this week have been about developing resilience - a crucial skill inside and outside the classroom.
In English, we have been learning to write instructions! We have been looking closely at key features and how to make them more detailed (and therefore more helpful!). The children found it hilarious when they instructed me to walk around the classroom but I kept bumping into things...they learned very quickly how accurate they needed to be!
In Maths, we have been looking at statistics; we collected our own data into a tally chart and converted it to a bar chart. Next week, we will be beginning to revise angles.
From next Monday (14th), the children will not be taking part in an extra PE session on Monday so they can come in normal school uniform. We had this extra session to fit in a skipping project but now this is over, the children will be doing PE on Thursdays and Fridays only.
Next week, Year 4 will be taking part in the Multiplication Tables Check - a SATs-style government test aimed at assessing children's recall of times tables up to x12. Please see the note that went home on Friday for more information. Any extra practice children can carry out over the weekend would be a big help. They will answer 25 questions online with only 6 seconds per question. Children can practise here.
If you did not receive the weekly homework sheet, you can download a summary here.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Take care,
Mrs Cahill