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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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Beech Tree Class Blog 2023-2024



Weekly Update-16/11/23

Posted: Nov 16, 2023 by: Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone,

This week, we have continued learning about and using different features that are required in order to write a good newspaper report. We have been focused on creating powerful headlines, creating captions to go along with photos and writing in third person.

In maths, we have started our unit of work on multiplication and division. This week, we have been focused on the 3, 6 and 9x tables. We have been singing songs and playing games to help us learn them. We have also been looking at the unique different features of each of those times tables and also what links all three of them together.

I will leave the link to some of the songs that we have been listening to. Songs are great for helping children learn their times tables and the children have really enjoyed singing along to these and practising their times tables.

3 x tables song 

6 x tables song  

9x tables song 

In computing, we have continued our programming work, which involves repetition of shapes. This week, we focused on creating letters that could only have 90 degree turns within them. The children were tasked with drawing their initials onto squared paper first to make sure they knew what their letters would look like and then they were tasked with replicating the design on Turtle Academy by writing the code in to create the letters. The children did an absolutely amazing job of it and it was wonderful to see them constantly testing the lines of code that they had written and solving any problems that they could see occurring. 

Y4 also had a skipping workshop this week, which was delivered by The Skipping School. They were able to learn about and practise a range of different skipping skills which they will be focusing on next term as we begin to practise for the skipping competition.

Take care,

Mr Kyriacou :)