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Rufford Park Primary School

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Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 10.05.24

Posted: May 9, 2024 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


It has been a short and very quick week in Lime Tree.

In English we have started our new focus text 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. The children have been writing predictions about the setting based of pictures from the book and writing thought bubbles as the villagers who are facing a drought.

In PSHE we discussed the importance of good tooth health and why it is so important to look after our teeth. The children all took home a complimentary toothbrush and tooth paste from Colgate. There is also an educational leaflet for you to read together.

In Maths Year 1 have been solving addition and subtraction problems using a bar model. Year 2 have been solving lots of different reasoning problems using all four operations.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.

Miss Cotterill