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  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 26.01.24

Posted: Jan 26, 2024 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


I cannot believe how fast this half term is going! We are already past the half way point and it feels like we are finally on our way out of the dark winter days.

This week we have been writing invitations for Prince Charming's Royal Ball where he plans to find his true love. The children have made the ball sound fantastic with their persuasive sentences. There is no way you would not want to go after hearing about chocolate fountains and marshmallow cakes!

In Maths Year 1 have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. They have been using their counting skills to solve repeated additions. Like last week I would encourage you to practise these at home as repetition of the pattern is the best way to learn them. Please see links below for the songs we have been using in class.

Counting in 2's: 

Counting in 5's: 

Counting in 10's: 

Year 2 have been consolidating the use of arrays and repeated addition to solve multiplications. We have also introduced the grouping and sharing strategies to solve divisions. I would also encourage you to recap on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's as this will really help with our multiplication and division work.

In Computing we have been looking at how to take the perfect picture by thinking about the use of portrait, landscape and framing. 

In DT this week we had a go at making a Jack and The Beanstalk lever. With the use of a split pin the children were able to make Jack climb and fall off the beanstalk.

On Wednesday all of Year 2 had a special visit from Katie at the Skipping School. She went through the various skips (double bounce, single bounce, hop and swap, side straddle, side swing) with the children that they will be doing at the Skipping Festival taking place in June! Going Live With Five

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill