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Rufford Park Primary School

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 13.01.23

Posted: Jan 12, 2023 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


We have definitely got back in to the swing of working hard in Lime Tree Class this week. The children have outdone themselves with their fabulous 'Traction Man' character descriptions! I couldn't wait to get these on display for the rest of the school and visitors to see...

With Superheroes as our focus we have continued with that theme in our writing and In our topic lessons. Yesterday we started looking into another real life hero - Grace Darling. 

In Maths both Year 1 and Year 2 have started exploring multiplication by making and adding equal groups. Year 2 have progressed a bit further by using the multiplication symbol in their number sentences. 

In Art our focus this term is portraits. This week we explored how we can use colour to represent emotions in portraits with Picasso as our inspiration. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill