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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
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  2. Nursery
  3. Nursery blog 2024-2025

Nursery news 2024-2025


We have really enjoyed the spring weather this week. We did a spring checklist to find the signs of spring that we have talked about. The children really enjoyed the clipboards and showed some super pencil control. We did a spot of spring cleaning, moving the water and sponges outside to clean some toys. We have made patterns with petals and practised counting. Luckily some superheroes were on hand to keep an eye on things.

Next week; How some people celebrate Easter. 

Please note we break up on Friday.


We have spent most of this week observing our chicks. We have been amazed at how quickly they have grown, they now look too big and tall for the brooder box. They leave us tomorrow and we will all be sad to see them go. The children enjoyed having a really close look and some even had a cuddle. We have counted, painted, coloured, and listened to stories about chicks and have serenaded our chicks which they seemed to enjoy!

The lovely bright days meant we could get out and about in the school grounds to look for signs of spring. The children were super sensible and full of good ideas of where to look.

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents Evening this week.

Next week; spring flowers and saying thank you.


There has been lots of great reading taking place around Nursery this week; in a group at story time, individually and with friends. Some children also took the lead and read to others, retelling stories using the pictures. The children love talking about stories they like and books they have at home and are showing super listening and attention skills at story time. 

If you look closely you might see that even our new arrivals were listening to our story!

The children have been really sensible this week, taking care not to bump the incubator or disturb the eggs and our ten new chicks. They have been fascinated with how quickly the chicks are changing and very lucky to see the eggs crack and chicks emerge. They have asked relevant questions and can't wait to handle the chicks next week.

Next week; chicks, spring and Parents Evening


We have had such a lovely week and the children were very enthusiastic about all the extra activities that we have done. We had a focus on frogs and learned some froggy facts. We made our own jumping frog and counted out the right number of frogs to go on lily pads. We tossed some pancakes on Tuesday(playdough) for Shrove Tuesday and talked about the toppings we like.  Outside we have really enjoyed the warm dry weather and enjoyed getting very wet with water play. It did mean we got to practise getting changed and that the outside area had a bit of a spring clean!

As part of World Book Day celebrations we talked about our favourite stories, which character we were dressed as and joined other children in the hall for a parade. We used story props to retell stories and found rhyming words after reading the 'Oi frog' story.

Next week; EGGS!!!


The children were happy to be back on Monday. They enjoyed seeing their friends, noticing what had changed in the classroom and telling us all their news.

Our focus has been farms and the animals you might typically see. We described and named farm animals, sang all the rhymes we are familiar with about farms and  played a listening game to identify farm sounds. We matched mums and baby animals, and talked about what animals eat and what their homes are called. The children were eager to talk about their own experiences of visiting farms and seeing animals in their local environment. We had an interesting discussion and lots of questions about how a chicken on a farm is the same as a chicken we might eat even though it looks different. 

In maths we counted groups and labelled them with the correct numeral. We used our fingers to show amounts. Outside we have enjoyed the sunny afternoons and had the builders in!

Next week; Pancake Day, World Book Day and frogs.


A short but busy week to end a lovely half term. The children are showing us that they are coming together as a group. The newer children have taken on board the rules and routines and are making friends. We really enjoyed the visiting brass band and the children made us so proud with their smart sitting in the hall. We had some discussions during our PSED sessions about things that are not safe for us and talked about the warning signs on household items. The children listened sensibly and carefully and could identify the things that are only for grown ups.

We continue to help the children be independent when selecting resources, changing shoes and putting on their hats and coats. Most children are independent at the toilet and very proud of themselves. Half term is a good time to encourage children with toilet training when there is more time at home to be without pull-ups and less pressure to get to school on time. If you need help or tips in toilet training you can find advice here. 

Sometimes you just have to 'go for it!'

Half Term next week, have a lovely germ free break.



Through our castle theme, we had a special focus on shapes and colours this week. We used 2D shapes to make pictures with paper and tiles. We talked about the number of sides and straight and curved edges. We built castles from 3D shapes and played games to make learning about shapes more fun.

The children have coped well with changes in staff and routine this week and are trying really hard to be independent when hanging up their coats and putting on shoes and wellies.

Next week ; finishing castles and the weather. 

Please note Friday 14th is a whole school training day and Nursery is closed. We break up for half term on Thursday.


We have continued our focus on castles this week with the children building their own, inside and out. We decorated a castle using printing and shapes and sang about a 'princess long ago'. We have read lots of fairy tales and noticed that there are different versions. We have learned lots of facts about Lunar or Chinese New Year and enjoyed hearing the story of the Great Race. Outside the dry bright weather has helped us with our bird spotting. The binoculars have been very popular.

Next week; dragons.


The children have shown how they can share resources really well this week. The castle, knights and horses have been well used and lots of super talking has followed.

We made rainy day pictures for our display, using our hand muscles to squeeze small pipettes. We have continued with 'dough disco' showing our new starters all the moves. We have enjoyed counting games on our whiteboard and started to learn a rhyme about a snowman. 

Next week; castles and Chinese New Year


We have had a lovely week with every kind of weather. The children were helpful in showing their shovelling skills to clear the slush. We went in the hall to practise listening games when it was too cold and really enjoyed playing on the bikes in the sunshine.

At story time the older children are showing the way and we are more becoming settled and ready to listen. We practised cutting skills and the new starters started their dollies to add to our friends display. We went 'next door' to play on the climbing frame and talked about only going on with teachers in school time. In maths we sang the icicle song, taking 2 away each time.

Next week; castles.


Welcome back and happy new year!

It has been a very unusual start to the year but the children have all settled back in quickly. Our new starters have amazed us by waving parents off and getting busy from the start.  Everyone enjoyed seeing their friends and telling us their news.

We have used our senses to explore the wintry weather with buckets and spades outside and snow in the water tray. The children fully embraced our 'Frozen' role play area and really enjoyed having some exercise in the hall.

A reminder to please label all clothing and belongings and down load the free 'School jotter ' app for news letters and messages from school.

Next week; more winter.


Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you all!

Our party went very well on Thursday and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and have fun. Everyone joined in with dancing and the party games and accepted defeat with good grace. Our visit to Blossom Court was truly heart warming with residents and our children enjoying a nice chat and joining in with the singing.

Thank you so much for your kind gifts, cards and good wishes.  We will see you in January and hopefully the children will have got rid of their coughs and colds.

Best wishes from Mrs Sudall and the Nursery team.

Next term-castles and new starters. 


What a very, very busy but wonderful week. The children have coped extremely well with changes in routine and staff and some very large Christmas events. We have had Nativity dress rehearsal, Nativity performance, police visit, church visit and a very special visit from someone in a red suit. Phew! Only 12 more sleeps till Christmas!

Next week; Christmas crafts, Blossom court visit and Christmas Party.


We have been into the hall a few times to rehearse our Nativity, we have been given our roles and practised our singing and dancing. The children are all very excited and looking forward to showing their grown ups. In the classroom we have decorated our tree approximately 25 times a day and listened to the Christmas story to understand a little more why we have a Nativity.

Next week: Dress rehearsal, performance and church visit.


The children have enjoyed exploring our dark cave with torches this week. We have discussed different types of light  including candles, lanterns and torches and how we feel about the dark. We found out about animals that come out when we are in bed and then practised our cutting skills with pictures of them. We have played I spy with woodland creatures, made playdough hedgehogs and started practising our Nativity Songs.


It was all about the weather for us in Nursery this week. The children enjoyed exploring the cold, frost and snow so we followed their interest. When we ran out of snow in our garden we went to collect some from elsewhere!

Next week; light and dark, night and day.


This week is world nursery rhyme week and we have focussed on a different rhyme each day. We have used instruments, new clapping actions and counting games to explore traditional rhymes and even performed them for each other.  Children who know and can sing a range of nursery rhymes are more likely to become strong readers. Challenge your child to sing all five rhymes- Incy Wincy, Old Macdonald, Twinkle, Twinkle, The Big Ship Sails and 5 Currant Buns.

As part of our topic on people who help us, we had a visit from one of our parents who is a nurse. The children enjoyed bandaging each other, using a stethoscope and checking inside ears.

Next week; people who work at night. Training Day Friday-Nursery will be closed.


Welcome back after the half term, we have made an exciting start with a visit from the fire service. We learned what a firefighter has to do for their job and how they help people. We tried out safety clothing and equipment and even got to sit in the cab! The children were polite, attentive and enthusiastic-brilliant!

This week we also talked about keeping safe at Bonfires, we counted fireworks and created our own sparkly bonfire pictures.

Next week; Remembrance Day, National Nursery Rhyme week and a stay and play session for new starters.



It was lovely to see so many parents and 'new starters' at our stay and play session.  We hope you enjoyed it too, the children certainly did. Thank you for coming.

This week we have talked about Halloween and how some scary things can be fun too! We have enjoyed collecting, playing with and tidying the autumn leaves and used them to make pictures. We have counted spikes on hedgehogs and used autumn colours for our own artwork.

Next week is half term. We are finishing just as lots of children have come down with coughs, colds and feeling poorly. Hopefully the germs will clear, ready to start again on Monday 4th November.

Next half term; light and dark.


It was lovely to see lots of you at Parents Evening and so nice to be able to celebrate our lovely children. We thought about the season of autumn this week and the changes that take place in the world around us. The children noticed colours and shapes on our autumn walk and we really enjoyed the bright sunshine as we collected autumn treasure. 

We made patterns with natural objects and helped a cheeky squirrel to count conkers. In phonics we made a 'silly soup' and talked about the initial sounds of objects then found the odd one out. 

 The children took our photograph session in their stride, they waited patiently for their turn and all smiled on demand.

Next week; autumn, harvest  and our craft stay and play session on Thursday.


We have been thinking about our five senses this week and done lots of fun activities to explore each one. We played detective to identify what was in the 'smelly pots' and went on a listening walk around school. We found lots of objects that we look through including an 'old fashioned' camera.  The children could not believe that we used to take photos with it in the olden days! We talked about not being able to see and how guide dogs are used to help people and had a feely box of common objects that we weren't allowed to peep in. A lovely week!

Next week; harvest time!


The children showed their caring side this week in our baby clinic. We have fed, bathed, weighed and changed nappies for our babies and tried hard to dress them. We have shared photos of when the children were babies and talked about what babies need to make them happy.  

We finished our self portraits and named different parts of the body. We took clipboards and went on an adventure around school on a colour hunt. The children all looked very efficient ticking off the colours as we went and really enjoyed peeping at the older children hard at work in the classrooms.

Next week; our five senses


We have had a busy week this week with lots of new experiences. First time in the hall for some of our children, first time singing and dancing with Mr Jennings, first time lining up to walk quietly through school. The children coped brilliantly with all the changes in routine and new challenges.

In the classroom, we looked carefully at our own faces in the mirror and painted brilliant self-portraits.  We used natural resources to to make funny faces and  talked about our bodies and how to keep them healthy. We then set up a doctor's surgery just in case. A t-rex was a good patient when we talked about brushing for healthy teeth, the children each took a toothbrush and toothpaste home to practice their own brushing.

Next week; how are bodies change as we grow and a baby clinic!!!


We have had a lovely week, all the children are settled and comfortable with only a few tears at drop off time. The children are building lovely friendships and we have seen lots of group games both inside and out. The children are learning to listen to each others ideas and share the resources and the space.

All the children have enjoyed talking about the people who are special to them. If you have not sent us a family photo please could you upload one to tapestry.

Next week; our amazing bodies.


We got straight down to business this week, with our phonics and maths curriculum. The children enjoyed the carpet sessions and listened really well. We focussed on listening games in phonics and comparing amounts and groups in maths. We also started  'Dough Disco' to strengthen the muscles in hands and arms. In topic we did lots of talking about good and bad feelings and how our faces tell others how we are feeling. We added features to faces with playdough, counted how many of each feature we have and practised in the mirror to show different emotions.

Everyone has made a doll figure of themselves to display in the cloakroom. The children love pointing to their friends and discussing what the dolls are wearing. We are all doing well at learning names.

Next week; families.


Welcome back, welcome to Nursery!

We have had a wonderful start to the new academic year. Our returning children are being kind role models and our new starters have shown good listening skills and an eagerness to 'get stuck in!'

Next week; getting to know you games and a focus on what we like to do!