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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog


Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Weekly Update 23.7.21

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hi everyone! 

We made it! I think after last year we were expecting a slightly more normal year this year! Although things might not have turned out as normal as we had hoped for, I think the children in Ash Tree have had a fantastic year and made excellent progress. 

They have remained resilient and happy throughout and adapted to the ever changing "new normal". 

I will miss teaching them next year and wish them all the best of luck for either their new start at secondary school or their new start in Year 6! 

Here they are enjoying their final breaktime as members of Ash Tree class and for some, their final breaktime at Rufford Park Primary School!

As our Year 6's leave us today we have been reminiscing about some of their highlights during their time with us. Click the link below to see some pictures of their journey from Reception to Year 6:

I hope you all have a fantastic summer and are super proud of your hard work and effort this year - you should be! Here's hoping for a more normal year next year!

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 16.7.21

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021


This week we were fortunate enough to be able to put on our Year 6 Leavers' Show with a live audience. This is something we have been hoping to achieve all year (restrictions permitting!) and it was lovely to be able to share this with you. Year 6 have all worked extremely hard to learn their lines and put on an amazing show. 

Year 5 have also had a super week as whilst Year 6 have been busy with their performances, they have have managed to bag an extra two P.E slots with some of the coaches who work in school each week. I was particularly pleased with the feedback from the Inspiration Tree coach on Thursday morning who taught a football lesson as he said he was incredibly impressed with both their skills and behaviour in the session. 

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday for our final week as Ash Tree 20/21!

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 9.7.21

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021


We have had a very quiet week in Ash Tree with only a few members of the class actually in the classroom due to the partial bubble closure. The Y6's have been busy with the production and the couple of Y5's have had a sneaky preview of how it is coming along. We are looking forward to having the rest of you back in next week and hopefully having a normal end to what has been another very strange year! 

Please make sure if you are in Year 6 you know all of your lines and are ready to slot back into the production on Monday! 

Finally, something we would like as many of you as possible to get involved in this year is the Summer Reading Challenge:

Summer Reading Challenge – Sign up Saturday!

Saturday 10th July!

The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4 -11 to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure and prevent the summer reading ‘dip’. This year, even more than in any other year, it is important to encourage pupils to be reading over the summer. The Challenge is for children to borrow and read six books over the summer at their local library. This year the theme is all about nature and will inspire children to think about how they can look after their planet whilst helping to maintain their reading level over the summer holidays. Once they have read their sixth book, they complete the challenge and will be awarded a certificate and gold medal, which they can proudly take to school in September.

Children and their parents can go to their local library or online and sign up this Saturday to start their Summer Reading Challenge.

See you on Monday! 

Miss Bairstow :) 


Weekly Update 2.7.21

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021


This week has passed us by super quickly with Monday being a training day and today being the day of the PTA Summer Fun Day!

The children really enjoyed the day and it was nice to do something almost normal! Y6 were a great help in the running of the day and I am sure the rest of the school appreciated their efforts in lending a hand to keep everything running smoothly!

Here are a few snapshots of members of Ash Tree enjoying themselves. For more pictures of the day click here.

Unfortunately, some members of Ash Tree will be returning to home learning on Monday. Please remember to log in to Teams to check for updates. The children have been sent with paper based learning for the beginning of the week but will move onto Teams ASAP. If you have any problems with your log in details please contact us on the class email:

Miss Bairstow  

Weekly Update 25.6.21

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hi again, 

We have had another busy week and have spent some time completing our end of year assessments. I have been impressed with the children's sensible attitude and effort. We are now looking forward to our final few weeks of the year and hopefully having some fun!

This week's word of the week goes to Hannah for being the only one to remember the correct definition for the word "delirium" after discussing it in guided reading last week. The word came up again this week in our guided reading text so it is really important we listen carefully and make notes of any new vocabulary we come across when reading as we never know when we will see it again!

Have a good long weekend and see you on Tuesday!

Miss Bairstow 

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